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1A Churchtown, Saint Agnes, UK
Fall Essentials
                                        Support That Makes a Difference - take                                         that first step to a life that you want to live 
Testimonials for Kaye aka 'The Nurturing Counsellor"
Working with Kaye has been AMAZING and I am so excited to continue with her. She’s been my therapist for just over 2 months now and in our weekly sessions we have achieved so much already. She always gives me her view on situations, which I really appreciate, gives me appropriate homework that always feels well-paced and fun, whilst sometimes a little bit challenging (in the good way), and meets me every session with unconditional support and warmth. I already have recommended Kaye to a few close friends, and would definitely recommend her to anyone who is looking for personal growth.

Kaye is a lovely, kind, sweet soul who has helped me work to develop strategies for managing my mental health and was very supportive in my journey. I highly recommend Kaye!
Testimonial for Kaye  (26th July 2023)
I started my sessions with Kaye in April 2023. I remember my first session with Kaye quite clearly. She
was so understanding and patient and I remember being in quite a low point struggling mainly with
burnout from a fairly toxic work environment and sense of identity with so much change in the last year
and loss and grief.

I was really struggling with the relationship with my twin brother and his new wife. Kaye helped me
process some of the change and one thing that really has stayed with me, is that if a deep lifelong
relationship has been born it can never be extinguished and during seasions of maybe not being able to
always continue that relationship as desired, to keep that relationship alive through prayer.
Reflecting on my time since April, I have learnt so much about Gods fatherly and completely extravagant
and unconditional love for me.
Kaye has helped me look forward with hope, to consider what God has for me in both the short-term and
long-term. She has helped me take the time and not fear processing hard things that might have
happened but understanding why I might react in fear or panic.
Kaye has helped me recognise when I am pushing to hard in life so I don't burnout again but also to live
life to the full in a joy and confidence because God is absolutely for me. She has helped me know how to
balance relationships, to both seek out those life giving relationships and still pour into the relationships
that need me. To be able to do this, I first need that time out refreshing my own soul and doing the little
things that fill me up again.
Kaye has so much life experience and wisdom from her own story and I love how she draws on that to
help me and share her life lessons. She has taught me to know when
relationships may be unhealthy and how to maintain healthy boundaries so as not to be controlled, but
still be able to show love. Kaye has helped me to process the hard memories from my last workplace
and work through why I find some triggers and memories painful.
One of the greatest growth areas is I believe I now think of the future with a great sense of hope and joy,
knowing my story is still being written and scripted.
I am thankful for Kaye, she is not just my counsellor, but my mentor and friend, thankyou from the bottom
of my heart :).

The universe sends us the right people in our life when we are ready for them. 
I was in a really dark place and realised I needed someone to help me deal with my own issues, luckily right away BetterHelp paired me with Kaye. 
As of our first session together, I felt like I have embarked on a journey of self-discovery and better-ness. I was so happy and excited, knowing it would only lead to good. 
During my first months with Kaye, I've had encountered some problems in my life, but Kaye not only helped me get through them but armed me with tools to help me handle them on my own in the future.
Now after 3 months of regular talks with Kaye, I feel like I've completely left the darkness in my past, even the bad, mundane, and boring things that surround, not just me, but all of humankind are much more bearable when you have the right mindset and weekly guidance that helps you look at the bigger picture more clearly. 
Even the smallest things could set me off my track before, but now even some major things just feel like a breeze cause I know how to handle them thanks to Kayes guidance and help. 

During our time together I’ve overcome so many things, my anxiety to go outside and meet new people, my depression, my fear of my ex and my trust issues with all the human kind.
I’ve learned how to trust and love again, not just others but most importantly myself. It wasn’t always easy, and it was lots of work, but I’m again happy in my life and full of joy and love. 

When I was first connected with Kaye in our first session, I felt an immediate warmth, kindness,  and sincerity emanating from her spirit. I felt at ease speaking to her as she creates an environment of trust and sincerity that is free from judgement. 
I had recently experienced several traumas in a row, but these also brought up other issues, most notably, work and expat issues that I had not yet overcome in my 10 years of living in a foreign country.
Since my time with Kaye, she has helped me to be able to better manage crises and really see myself in a different way...the soul way. I had really lost who I was and needed to re-discover myself and what is important to me and how to practice self love and care. 
She gently helped me realise how much I had been neglecting my needs and was struggling with letting go, managing expectations, and seeking outside validation and not setting firm boundaries. 
She helped me with mindfulness and and suggested several methods of taking some time out to be quiet and be able to hear answers that I was seeking.
Kaye has so many insightful ways to view things in ways that are unique from other methods I have experienced. Our sessions are honest and open, and we make new discoveries each time as I continually improve. 
Without a doubt, I can notice a considerable improvement in the way I approach difficulties. I am better able to remain calm and not become stressed in situations so much that I neglect to practice self care. She helped me realize what is more important and how to nurture my soul. 
Above all, I feel loved after a session with Kaye. While we work through issues, she makes profound comparisons that I can identify with, and through her own sharing, it's like a walk together through the difficulties we all experience in life. 
One of my favourite sessions was when we decided we would put on our "armour of love" and greet the world! That definitely fits Kaye! She is the living example of that! 
I'm really grateful for Kaye! :)

It has been a wonderful experience having Kay as my therapist. She is patient, kind, wise and takes time to understand who I am and what I am going through. I also appreciate how we both share similar spiritual beliefs - this makes our sessions even more enjoyable and connected. I believe that in the the short time I have known her, she has helped me progress with my mental health journey as well as in general wisdom. I feel that I can be honest and kinder to myself and accept the past for what it is. Thank you so much Kaye for your caring spirit and i know many others will benefit some time with you.

First of all let me thank you for being my coach and guiding me through difficulties I faced since childhood. Difficulties come around everyone's way, but you taught me how to deal with it and how to be me!. 
Two months ago when I started my first session with you I was not sure of how it will go and where I will be. But all I knew was that I am ready to do this for myself. I started with a purpose to free myself from all those things that hold me back either childhood trauma or disability. I said to myself no matter what, I am ready to fly and I will give my 100% to get there. 
1- I learnt self love: I feel love and no matter where and how I receive it, it is through god. This was not possible for me to be here and accept that god exists, as per society's wrong belief I totally lost my faith and never thought that god exists. But I knew and felt that something greater is up there controlling the stars, moon and every small creature. I call it universe and I was sure whatever I give to the universe I will receive it. That is why I am committed to give my 100% for this therapy, in order to receive back 100%. Within such a short time (2months) I am free and loved. 
2- You told me to do 3 joyful things that make me happy. I walked in the park, did daily meditation, and yoga. Self care was the most important thing I learnt from you. 
3- New seed will grow if I shut down the brain and listen more to spirit. 
4- Become my best friend and do not wait for others. 
5- Be really really kind to myself and the affirmation I used for this was "I care for myself the way I cared for others". 
6-Trust the process and give up, let it go. Keep my heart open and stay committed to myself. 
7- That part of "know it is a lie" helped me to get rid of overthinking. Whatever pops out in my brain I told him/her that you are a big lie and it disappeared forever. This helped me to be in the state of present mind and get rid of overthinking. 
8- The books Kaye recommended; "The Universe Always Has A Plan" and "Dying to be me" taught me how to joyfully live this life as an experience.
9- Hold on to God. And you guided me to Surrender meditation, Jason Stephenson. When I opened up about past relationships and how my father rejected his love for me. This caused me to fear any man, you taught me to hold to God and serve God more. 
10- There are dozens of motivational speeches, words, quotes on the internet. But this one that you give me is the best advice that motivates me every morning to do my meditation. Everyday is a new day and you decide what you will have in your plate for today. Either the same food as yesterday or the new one. When I had issues with my driving teacher you mentioned how to get my power back and let him go, for him it is not a new day but for me it is. 
11- When I mentioned about being the last choice and felt dozens of rejection from parents that become a habit of self rejection, you mentioned that parents do not have capacity to give me what I needed, but God has. And we expect that our parents know everything while they are the same human as we are. Since then I forgive them and surrender to God. 
12- Fear is a big lie. When I talked about my fear and anxiety you mentioned the same process to remind myself that fear does not exist and it is a big lie. God is always greater. In order to get rid of fear, overthinking, and anxiety I received detox meditation. 
13- I am grateful for my Polio and I receive it as a gift. 
14- This part of "Respect Myself" did shake me and made me realise how far I have been ignoring my inner child, inner innocent spirit. Avoid food, water, sleep, and be there for the service of others. RESPECT YOURSELF is the thing that pops into my mind every time I put someone else's needs before mine "I am available to myself the way I am available to others" . 
15- The evil and the God. I feed more evil if I do not meet my own needs. This is how God is greater than evil and any existing creatures as, when I surrender myself to God, evil becomes a tiny thing in front of me. 
16- Be really kind when evil is there. This is not easy but this is something people get when they have a therapist like you. You taught me which one to feed more and keep more God than evil. 
17- Let it go and do not control it. Give space to my son and face him as I am facing my own self child. This is a difficult process but I am sure I can get there with your help. 
I already build self love and a little bit of self trust. All I have to do is to practice. When I do detox meditation I pray to God to fill the empty part of my mind with love, respect and trust. 
I still need to face my childhood and I am sure this time when I face her I will hug her and tell her that she was innocent in all the process and she is great. She gives her best to become this version of me today and she should be valued for this instead of punishment. She is accepted, loved, respected and acknowledged. No matter who will or will not,  I am here to give her this award with this beautiful note that she is an amazing child. 
Sultana as a child is intelligent, creative and she has a voice. No matter if her mother punished her for how to write phonics and compared her with her other friends for not being enough. No matter if her father judged her mathematics, no matter if Mulla's judged her for her Arabic and Quran understanding. She was and is enough. She is becoming at ease with herself by practicing this with her son.  
I am heartily thanking you for letting me become me. I still need your support, your energy, and your guidance. For the last four months I have loved myself and glowed, I love my hair, my gift "Polio", my skin, my voice. I trust God and surrender. I trust the process and keep my commitment to live the rest of my life as a free spirit and experience real life without any expectations. 
       Thank you very much for being there for me. 

I have been working with Kaye now for a couple of months.  She has a relaxed, informal and friendly listening style and immediately puts you at ease.    I look forward to our sessions together, despite discussing some serious issues which have challenged me for some time.  She listens attentively, and can offer advice and help from a perspective I hadn’t considered.  She is kind, compassionate and makes you feel cared for.  I wish I had found her sooner and would recommend her 100% for anyone going through a difficult time in their lives.  She is a great therapist and a lovely person.
"To whomever is reading this, hello!
I'm not much of a writer myself so bear with me.
In the past, I used to struggle with my emotions, and I felt like all hope was lost and that I had no one to turn to.
Friends, family and whoever else I tried getting help for only gave me a temporary boost, but somewhere in me I still felt lost.
I always considered therapy but I felt like it wouldn't work or that the person I would talk to would only care about the money.
Yes, in my head, I believed that therapists, psychologists and the like only cared about me because I paid.
But eventually my state of mind worsened because I didn't care for it enough and tried to ignore it and just "move on" without addressing what bothered me.
It got so bad that I couldn't even do basic tasks or things that I used to love doing, and so I knew I needed help, real help, professional help, and after long research online I signed up to BetterHelp.
Kaye, the first therapist I got was perfect, and through talking to her I understood that she genuinely cares about me.
She didn't care because she got paid to care, and the more I talked to her the more I understood how wrong I was to judge the idea negatively.
Through all the therapy I took I now feel happy again and capable of pursuing my goals and dreams.
So, to you I say, whoever you are and wherever you are, whether a person in doubt or someone who just feels a little lost; the most important thing is to care for yourself, so if you feel like you need help, don't dismiss it, don't ignore it, focus on that feeling and see if there's more to it because it's easier to heal when you want to, and it's a lot quicker if you do it earlier than later.
It's okay to rely on other people sometimes, as long as they're the right people to rely on.
I wish you all the best, and I hope you will make the right decision, the one for you and not for anybody else."

Thank you so much Kaye for all your help and for motivating me to overcome my struggles and provoke more confidence and self love within me!

I would recommend Kaye to anyone who needs to build up their confidence after experiencing trauma / abuse. She empowered me with such kindness and love with complete professionalism. 

The impact from the first introductory meeting with Kaye Antoni has been huge. She has insight into my needs and who I am that I wasn’t aware of. The tools she has given me have enabled me to cope with my personal difficulties in a new and productive way. I feel held and guided by her, giving me the strength I needed. I feel so lucky to have found her.

I didn’t know how to talk about the strange, albeit familiar, voice I have in me. That other inner voice that interferes, that echoes my doubts, my fears and my shame. 
I knew right away that there was something special about Kaye — something loving, something caring. She allowed me to truly understand my genuine self and deeply know the change that’s happening around me and within me. She welcomed my becoming.
Our conversation feels very natural. Laughing and crying. She has given me the space to embrace my own spirituality, ideas and reason. In many ways, it feels very freeing to be in her company. It’s almost as if… I feel like both myself and my whole self. She has always reminded me that this is not about her, or other people, that it is all about who I am becoming.

Kaye has given me a wonderful perspective on my current circumstances as a dance student training abroad. She has addressed my concerns with compassion and insight as well as provided valuable techniques and resources to support my mental health during a challenging time. I look forward to our sessions as they help me to stay grounded through challenging negative thought patterns and behaviours. Kaye has been such a joy to work with so far!
December 29th 2023 - Ollie, 20y

"Starting therapy with Kaye was nothing like I expected it to be. In all honesty, I was prepared to meet with another dull and impersonal therapist, one who would remind me of the importance of vitamins and exercise while occasionally sprinkling some fancy psychology terms around. If this is what you're looking for, you've come to the wrong place. Instead, I found myself in unexpected and warming dialogues, similar to meeting a really friendly stranger at a bus stop. It's only for a short moment, but the discussions trickle over to new thoughts for the rest of your day and even your week, with a humble possibility of changing your life forever. Thank you, Kaye, you have truly been a friend."

I have only been in therapy a short time, but working with Kaye has been one of the best decisions I could have made in this season of my life. I have already begun to build a stronger relationship with myself and God, and it has made all the difference in my life. Kaye is very in tune with my needs and has been amazing! 

Good Communication -Instant, Kaye has a natural method that offers an open and sincere connection, looking forward to our therapy sessions, I feel truly lifted and energised- thankyou

Anonymous - 13/01/2024

I am personally very grateful that I decided to try BetterHelp in my healing journey.  Additionally,  Kaye Antoni has been a tremendous help in dealing with my anxiety.  She helped me focus initially on trusting myself while spending more solitude with God.  Through that practice,  I am able to listen to my body and able to detect the energy that I absorb with the people I interact.  I love Kaye’s holistic approach, going from spiritual to physical, mental and emotional.  My self-trust has immensely improved and this enabled me to let go of an energy that was not meant to be in my life.  This decision gave me peace of mind and brought back the balance.  I’m able to redirect my focus to myself and my goals. 

Grace, 15th January, 2024

Can I say THANK YOU! so much you have really helped me to take a different perspective and refocus my mind and spirit. You really do make the world a better place, and I have appreciated your calm and caring nature. x
Hamish March, 2024

I've been working with Kaye for a year, and so much growth and good things have happened in just a year. A year ago, I felt very broken and reached out for help. I am so thankful that Kaye has a faith and I believe that the greatest thing is how much I have grown in understanding God's love in its purest form for me. At the start, I didn't value my worth, was completely burnt out from a toxic hectic workplace, run down trying to meet family expectations and everyone else's expectations with no clarity of my own. Kaye started off by teaching me to value the things that bring me joy and happiness. For me, that is Nature and one on one time with a cuppa, worshipping God through music and prayer. 
I disconnect and turn inwards and against myself when I am burnt out and see God through my eyes of burnout. I think that I then set up walls to keep everyone, including God out, because it feels safer that way and I feel more in control. Yet, vulnerability is so vital. I have learnt that God loves me so endlessly and deeply, whatever state I am in, the more broken I feel the deeper I believe His love for me is. He doesn't see my seemingly failures. He sees me as a beautiful chosen valued and chosen cherished daughter. There is nothing I could mess up enough that would ever change this love of His for me. Sometimes when faced with times of vulnerability and tiredness fear whispers in my head " what if I go back to a place of burnout, of intense brain fog, of dark days, of loss of hope and my instinct is to control so tightly my life which is more wearying. It's in these moments I understand infinite grace. He is madly in love with me and wants to give me the very best. He believes in me and will give nothing less than epic and nothing is too great for him and His grace to handle. He wants me to dream BIG with Him and pursue those dreams and enjoy every little twist and turn with Him. Growth is painful but WORTH IT! 
Thanks Kaye 
Naomi - Australia - March 2024 

Kaye exudes an energy that I have rarely seen in others, and on any visit to Nurture this energy is contagious. 
There are people who have jobs and may do that job well, but for them it is still just a job. Then there is Kaye, whose commitment to her Clients goes way above the average business.

Kaye's Spiritual knowledge and awareness is amazing. I have always related pain to be a very physical thing and it is only now that I have realised that sometimes physical pain is the outcome, not the cause. Having someone, like Kaye, who understands different modalities, such as Mindfulness and Meditation during our Counselling Sessions, has been and continues to be a major source of release of Stress for me.  I hope you are seeing a picture developing here, Kaye's determination to resolve her Client's issues knows no bounds or limits and her support is steadfast.  Kayes, approach is Holistic and includes the whole person, mind, body, physical and spiritual. Irrespective of gender, including LGBTQIA. 

Kaye's Nurturing Counselling has been fundamental and vital for helping Transgender Patients, going through the intricacies of transition. Mental and Emotional Health and Wellness is paramount and Kaye devises a Nurturing plan that will guide the Patient step by step, offering practical advice as well. Kaye offers a totally 5* Star + rating.
Thank you Kaye 
Sam Taylor March 2024 

Testimonial written after a recent visit to Cornwall  - 4 day Nurture Wellness Plan 

Dear Kaye,

Thank you for being the most dependable, reliable and loving mental health professional-person / life-and-light guide / mother-of-all-counselors-and-therapists (I could go on) I will forever be grateful for your kindness, wisdom and patience. And I will forever admire the generosity of your time. 

I can feel the excitement and relief as I write this. I am grateful that I get to talk to someone like you and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. I hope you’ve had a beautiful week.
love Bianca - March 2024 
Kaye is a wonderful therapist. Her joy and enthusiasm in her responses belies
the depth of understanding she had of me. Her capacity to pinpoint my real feelings,
despite me dismissing or diminishing them, allowed me to connect to myself and find
real answers to real problems regarding relationships to others. Kaye’s range of
experience and learning meant she could find a way of applying methods that
worked for me. She was able to reach a simple solution to a complex family issue in
our introductory session and major personal and professional challenges continued
to be tackled with her over the months. She gives tools that can be applied instantly
as they are given with perception and intuition and at your pace. I brought specific
problems to her and she was always able to find a new way of looking at things so I
could step back, make sense of it all and resolve them. Her insight into human
problems, the roles we all live in life as parents, partners and in our careers, meant I
could work on myself with a confidence and security as she held my hand until I
could go alone. She backed me in every session and this unwavering support meant
I could face present concerns and past trauma with a serenity and peace I haven’t
felt before. She was able to find a way to help me connect each new approach to a
concern or trauma through my own career and interests, using dance and music
analogies for me, which meant I understood. Kaye brought a light into my life each
week and while the sessions were often challenging and uncomfortable, I always left
fired up and filled up with optimism. So I looked forward to seeing her, whatever it
may have brought. I now know how to look for this on my own journey, applying her
guidance with the strength she made me realise that I have, however difficult life
gets. Working with Kaye has meant a loving relationship with myself that I’ve not
found before.
I would highly recommend Kaye as a therapist and anyone who has the
opportunity to work with her is very fortunate.
Judy, April,2024 

My Testimonial - Kaye's Nurturing
Psychotherapy  Services 
Kaye has been and still is a tremendous help to me and in my journey of my self healing and empowerment. In hindsight, I sought help from betterhelp and was linked to Kaye as a selected therapist according to my preferences, and thankfully i was blessed with this angel because i was going through such a tough time in life and i didnt know what to do about it. I was dragging my feet to work, i felt dread, anxiety, stress, low self esteem and so many more you could name. It was a wreck. Kaye is never a person who views my faults and instead she refuses to acknowledge that there was something wrong with me, and because of that confidence she had in me, because she believed in me, it was like a contagious spark of joy each time i am on a session with her. It has been 11 months since our first session. She has been nothing but patient in guiding me step by step and helping me be a better version of myself. I didnt know therapy was this easy and this welcoming. When you need someone, you feel threatened, u feel like your fight or flight response is in the way, you dont have to when you have Kaye. Talking to her feels like a warm light of joy. I encourage everyone who is on therapy to keep booking your weekly sessions and make it a habit because you never know if you ever might need it.
May 19, 2024 - therapy issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, lgbt, self esteem, and career difficulties
Sam - Malaysia - May 2024 

Please see my review below.
I came to Kaye during a huge life transition. I had moved to the other side of the world, and wanted to be my best self. Kaye helped me build such a strong relationship with God and myself. I am confident in the woman I am and who He created me to be, and I feel I can take on all the ups and downs this life has to offer. Finding myself has been such a beautiful and life altering journey, and I am proud to say I will never be the same. Thank you Kaye, for helping me find me.
Aysha - Japan -June 2024 

©2022 Created & Designed by Kaye @ Brighter Horizons Co

 Proudly supported by

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